The story follows a young kid nicknamed Mud as his parents decide to kick his butt out of the house for the summer and send him to computer camp. Mud would go on to find that his friends all suffered a similar fate—just to different camps. Enter Christopher Lloyd playing the character of a former drama teacher named Dennis who happens to owe money on a AMC Gremilin he bought. Insert classic '90s children blackmail, and the group is off to a camp to do whatever they want for the summer. After enjoying a summer of freedom, that dreaded Family Day that ultimately happens at all camps comes along, and then they have to spring into action to cover for what they've actually been doing. Sprinkle on some morality lessons because it's a Disney film and of course the send off of the Christopher Lloyd character who learned something, and you have your self a Lost Relic of the '90s!
I absolutely love this film because it allows me, a kid at the time who lived in his own world of creativity and ADD, to submerse myself into the idea of a summer of freedom where anything can happen. Even at the age of 25, I still have high hopes of that memorable summer that we can sing about in the fall just like John Travolta in Grease, but hey a crazy man can dream, right? I leave you with the trailer and most likely the urge to find this on Amazon or Netflix or something…you're welcome. Excuse the quality; after all, it was the '90s.
As always, check back regularly to see what Chris "The Dace Man" Dace is looking at (and no, not just porn), as well as all of the other bloggers here at Fanboys Anonymous. Remember, keyboard warriors: leave your feedback! Until the next time, for the few, the proud, and, of course, the Dacetacular, grab a beer—and in this case a Summer to Remember—and check out what's going on here in the Dace-Sphere. See ya next time!
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