November 2018 | Fanboys Anonymous

Week in Geek #26: Daredevil Cancelled, Tom Hanks is Geppetto and More

Posted by Anthony Mango - Friday, November 30, 2018

Welcome to another edition of WEEK IN GEEK here at Fanboys Anonymous—a rundown of some of the events, news and stories that went down over the past few days in the geek culture spectrum.

This week in geek culture Fanboys Anonymous nerd recap

Here are some of the topics I felt like voicing my opinions about:

Young Justice: Outsiders Trailer

Pumped. Is that Damian?

Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures

Shorts. Of course. Does Disney have a bad marketing strategy with this stuff or what? Why do they feel like kids can't follow things that aren't shorts all that much? And all this filler is lame, instead of exciting, particularly when your trailer shows things we've already seen.

Want to get me excited? Undo The Last Jedi, or at least show me something that Luke does after ROTJ that is cool (even though it doesn't matter at all because TFA and TLJ ruin everything).

The Ten Rings in Marvel Comics

The MCU villainous organization is now part of the comics canon. Very cool! Just don't make the same mistake with The Mandarin that the films did.

Chris Evans "Not Done" with Captain America?

The Russo Brothers have said he's not finished, but haven't indicated what that means. I'm really, really hoping that Avengers 4 ends with literally all of the heroes alive again except for maybe Loki, if you count him, and I'm okay with Heimdall going away for good (so long as Sif is still there), but I want Tony Stark and Steve Rogers to be the new heads of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avengers in a sense. Give me Rogers as the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Stark as the head of the Avengers and they're off-screen during future events, so to speak.

Daredevil Cancelled

No season 4 for Daredevil, which sucks. The third season was probably my favorite of any of the seasons in the Netflix group of shows and I was really looking forward to seeing Bullseye in true form, more of D'Onofrio as Kingpin and so on. They keep saying these characters will live on elsewhere, but if they keep cancelling shows, how will that be? Are they going to announce some Heroes for Hire offshoot series that is more of an anthology where you can spend less time on each character or something? Are they just going to Disney+? Bummer...

Blue Beetle Film in Development

Yeah, sure. I'll believe it when I see it. It's not a bad idea, but how about you get your shit together and do a Batman film and all the other movies you've been saying you're going to do before you start adding more onto the plate that keeps getting washed clean?

Tom Hanks = Geppetto in Live Action Pinocchio

I can totally see it. Awesome. Pinocchio was never my favorite, but Hanks is great.


Week in Geek #25: The Lion King Trailer, Birds of Prey Title and More

Posted by Anthony Mango - Saturday, November 24, 2018

Welcome to another edition of WEEK IN GEEK here at Fanboys Anonymous—a rundown of some of the events, news and stories that went down over the past few days in the geek culture spectrum.

This week in geek culture Fanboys Anonymous nerd recap

Here are some of the topics I felt like voicing my opinions about:

Boba Fett = Luke's Mom?

Apparently, Mark Hamill once pitched the idea that Boba Fett should be Luke's mom and a double agent working for the rebels. You know, it sounds crazy, but it wouldn't have been the absolute worst idea, like what some of the things have happened in The Last Jedi. I prefer clone Stormtrooper guy and Padme being who they are, but hey, Hamill's at least brainstorming, right?

Deadpool 2 = Best Picture?

So 21st Century Fox is pushing Deadpool 2 in a For Your Consideration campaign for a bunch of Oscars, including Best Picture. Really? C'mon guys. Don't waste your money on that. You know that's impossible. Go for the technical things, sure, but you're not getting nominated for Original Screenplay and such.

Groot and Rocket Raccoon Series to Disney Play?

Gimme. I thought they would ruin the MCU and then I saw GOTG and of course, changed my mind. I'm pretty much up for any spinoff series they want to show at this point. Hell, I'd watch a show about the sandwich shop owner from Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

That's the title? This movie is sounding worse and worse every day. It's not cute or quirky. It's just dumb.

The Lion King Trailer

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. The Lion King is one of my three favorite Disney films (the other two being Aladdin and Toy Story) and this looks amazing. The visual effects are astounding. I still wish Jeremy Irons were Scar, but we'll see how things turn out. At least they have Mufasa down. Now give me the Hans Zimmer score on top of it (particularly This Land) and I'm going to be so sold on this being my favorite movie of that year.


Welcome to another edition of WEEK IN GEEK here at Fanboys Anonymous—a rundown of some of the events, news and stories that went down over the past few days in the geek culture spectrum.

This week in geek culture Fanboys Anonymous nerd recap

Here are some of the topics I felt like voicing my opinions about:

RIP Stan Lee

Sadly, the inevitable came as at the age of 95, Stan Lee has passed away. Of course, it goes without being said that this man is a legend in a caliber few ever are able to achieve. He's the top of the food chain in a very select group of individuals like Jack Kirby, Bill Finger and so on who are responsible for crafting the modern mythology of pop culture. He's reach through these stories and characters is undeniable and cannot be overstated when you look at the impact even one particular character like Spider-Man has had through so many lives, let alone the pantheon as a whole. He was charitable, personable, and by all accounts, a truly fantastic human in so many ways. Imagination itself was boosted by his presence and takes a major hit in his absence. Excelsior.

Toy Story 4 Teaser

There isn't much to go on here, so I'm stuck with the same thing I've been thinking from the start: all three movies have been great, so I have no reason to doubt they'll pull this off, but you never quite know if someone is going back to the well too many times or not. This story of a non-toy becoming a toy and struggling with the idea of wanting to be a spork seems hilarious to me, and I'm seeing this movie no matter what anyway, so yeah, thumbs up.

Detective Pikachu Trailer

What the hell? This has no right to look like it could actually be good. This premise is ridiculous and somehow, it looks decent?!??! What world are we living in??? that it?

I could have sworn there was at least something else I would have found interesting to talk about this week. Weird...


Week in Geek #23: The Purge Season 1, Bohemian Rhapsody Review and More

Posted by Anthony Mango - Saturday, November 10, 2018

Welcome to another edition of WEEK IN GEEK here at Fanboys Anonymous—a rundown of some of the events, news and stories that went down over the past few days in the geek culture spectrum.

This week in geek culture Fanboys Anonymous nerd recap

Here are some of the topics I felt like voicing my opinions about:

Doom Patrol on Titans

Yeah...uh....I've never been familiar with Doom Patrol, as that's not a comic that I ever bothered to read. So I didn't know what I was getting into, but let's talk about this. Why is Titans launching a pilot of this show, basically, when Titans itself hasn't even gotten started, really? And if this was supposed to get me psyched to see that show, it failed. I didn't dig the characters they introduced.

But hey, at least Beast Boy got to shine a bit in this episode more than he has so far. That was a step in the right direction. He's just going to leave all of his shit, though?

The Purge Season 1 Thoughts

Season 1 of The Purge television series ended this week and I have to say, overall, I liked it, even if not all of it landed the way it was supposed to.

Pete the Cop is the best. Penny was annoying and I wanted her to die, so her whole redemption thing was totally lost on me as I felt she didn't earn it. The married couple was annoying because I felt like I was supposed to side with Jenna, but she was a miserable contradictory bitch the whole time (whereas Lila and Rick had some problems, but weren't as bad). Joe was a good character. I feel bad as hell for Jane.

I hope they do another season, but that the only people who they follow are Pete the Cop and MAYBE Miguel. I don't need any more Penny.

Very good idea to have a cult that wants to sacrifice themselves and a few other stories that were playing out, but I feel like some of them didn't need to be as long as they were, and like most shows, you probably could have cut out an entire episode or two (or even 3 in some cases) worth of material and had a tighter story. I didn't need all those arguments of Rick and Jenna to get the gist of what was going on, but hey, The Purge has worked much better as a concept than I ever thought it would and I'm down for more.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Saw the movie last night and I liked it. I'm someone who has literally ZERO investment in bands and musicians, and I couldn't care less about Freddie Mercury in particular as an artist even though I like some Queen songs, so I didn't know much of his story before going in, but I enjoyed it quite a bit and I would recommend it.

That's it?

Yeah....I haven't been noticing much else going on this week, but I did have a limited scope as I was busy. If you want me to chime in on something, drop a comment below and fill me in.


Week in Geek #22: Avatar Sequel Titles, Simpsons Dropping Apu and More

Posted by Anthony Mango - Saturday, November 3, 2018

Welcome to another edition of WEEK IN GEEK here at Fanboys Anonymous—a rundown of some of the events, news and stories that went down over the past few days in the geek culture spectrum.

This week in geek culture Fanboys Anonymous nerd recap

Here are some of the topics I felt like voicing my opinions about:

The Simpsons Will Drop Apu

Apparently, having an accent is offensive now. Absolutely ridiculous. The first 10 seasons of The Simpsons as a whole are my favorite television series ever, and the show has been varying degrees of awful ever since, but stuff like this is one more nail in the coffin. I hate how everyone is offended about everything nowadays. Should they just get rid of Flanders because someone's going to complain that he's "pushing religion" to viewers? Should they get rid of Homer because he's offensive to fat people? Should they get rid of Chief Wiggum because he's not providing a great example for the best and brightest of the police force? Give me a goddamn break.

Birds of Prey to Get a Different Title? / Be Rated R

Sure. Cause it's not like it's Birds of Prey or anything, right? Then again, you are missing Batgirl, so...

And for the record, aiming for Rated R doesn't mean it'll be good by default. It just means you're focused on trying to be edgy, probably, and how the marketing side LOOKS to people. Maybe focus on making a good movie first and then see if it lands as R or PG-13.

Falcon & Winter Soldier Team-Up Series for Disney Play

I'm down. Hopefully, this doesn't mean Cap dies, though.

Rehire James Gunn Billboard

Over $4,000 have been spent so far in a digital billboard with this message. I don't disagree with it. I think Gunn's "jokes" were horrible, but I think they were supposed to be jokes, and at the end of the day, having poor taste in humor a few times in the past and trying to move past it shouldn't kill your career forever.

Vision in Scarlet Witch Show

The report claims Vision will be in the Disney Play series for Scarlet Witch. Of course, it's a rumor, but it's something that's wildly believable because of how much it makes sense. They set up the idea of a backup copy of Vision with Shuri and I'm sure that wasn't just a red herring for the hell of it. They can make him the white version of Vision and explore the relationship between the two in this series and where they go post-Avengers 4. Totally down for it.

Jesse Martin Takes Medical Leave of Absence from The Flash

This makes sense. Every episode, he was sitting down or leaning against a wall.

Legends of Tomorrow

I just want to say that I watched the first two episodes of this season and I think I'm done with this show. I stopped watching Arrow because of the Felicity stuff. I couldn't get past the first episode of Supergirl because of how much it's a "girl power anthem / PC-oriented / let's talk about these important social issues" driven show, and I've been struggling with LOT because of how incredibly campy it is. I don't like Doctor Who. This became Doctor Who. Beebo was the straw that broke the camel's back and I figured I'd give them a chance to course-correct, but it seems like they doubled down on whacky instead, and I don't want to watch a season of unicorns.

Avatar Titles

Rumor has it, the films are Avatar: The Way of Water, Avatar: The Seed Bearer, Avatar: The Tulkn Rider, and Avatar: The Quest for Eywa. They sound stupid to me.


6 Flicks Picks for November 2018 Movie Release Schedule

Posted by Anthony Mango - Thursday, November 1, 2018

Welcome to another edition of 6 Flicks Picks, wherein I list all of the upcoming films that are scheduled to be released in the United States for the month which is about to begin and break down which ones I'll be watching in theaters, which ones I'll wait to rent at home, and which ones I'll be skipping out on entirely. After going through the list, I'll choose which six films stand out to me as the ones I want to see the most, even if there are more or less than six that interest me.

Note: The list below is based primarily off the expanded nationwide USA release dates on IMDB as well as some other random outlets if possible, so some information may be different. If I am missing some of the limited releases or the dates conflict in some fashion, please let me know in the comments below and any adjustments and corrections will be made!

Without further ado, another new month means another new set of films, so what's coming soon to theaters in November 2018?

What movies are coming out November 2018 6 Flicks Picks

RELEASE DATE: November 2, 2018

The Nutcracker and the Four Realms

Synopsis: A young girl is transported into a magical world of gingerbread soldiers and an army of mice.

Will I watch? = No

Bohemian Rhapsody

Synopsis: A chronicle of the years leading up to Queen's legendary appearance at the Live Aid (1985) concert.

Will I watch? = Maybe

Nobody's Fool

Synopsis: A woman is released from prison and reunites with her sister. She soon discovers that her sister is in an online relationship with a man who may not be what he seems.

Will I watch? = No

Boy Erased

Synopsis: The son of a Baptist preacher is forced to participate in a church-supported gay conversion program after being forcibly outed to his parents.

Will I watch? = No

Maria by Callas

Synopsis: An intimate look at the life and work of Greek-American opera singer, Maria Callas, as told in her own words.

Will I watch? = No

A Private War

Synopsis: One of the most celebrated war correspondents of our time, Marie Colvin is an utterly fearless and rebellious spirit, driven to the frontline of conflicts across the globe to give voice to the voiceless.

Will I watch? = No


Synopsis: A progressive graduate student finds success and sparks outrage when his interest in battle rap as a thesis subject becomes a competitive obsession.

Will I watch? = No


Synopsis: A practicing Sikh is banned by the boxing commission for refusing to back down from his religious beliefs. Through racial profiling and stereotypical threats, he does what any strong American would do, fight back.

Will I watch? = No

Searching for Ingmar Bergman

Synopsis: Internationally renowned director Margarethe von Trotta takes a closer look at Bergman's life and work and explores his film legacy with Bergman's closest collaborators, both in front and behind the camera, as well as a new generation of filmmakers. The documentary presents key scenes, recurring themes in his films and his life, and journeys to the places at the center of Bergman's creative achievement and the focal points of his life such as the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm, locations and landscapes from his masterpieces, and the stations from his career in Sweden, France and Germany. Explore the many layers of Bergman's work and life with INGMAR BERGMAN - LEGACY OF A DEFINING GENIUS.

Will I watch? = No

In Search of Greatness

Synopsis: Through the eyes of the greatest athletes of all time, IN SEARCH OF GREATNESS is a cinematic journey into the secrets of genius.

Will I watch? = No

RELEASE DATE: November 9, 2018

The Grinch

Synopsis: A grumpy Grinch plots to ruin Christmas for the village of Whoville.

Will I watch? = No

The Girl in the Spider's Web

Synopsis: Young computer hacker Lisbeth Salander and journalist Mikael Blomkvist find themselves caught in a web of spies, cybercriminals and corrupt government officials.

Will I watch? = No


Synopsis: The story of two American soldiers behind enemy lines on D Day.

Will I watch? = No

The Front Runner

Synopsis: American Senator Gary Hart's presidential campaign in 1988 is derailed when he's caught in a scandalous love affair.

Will I watch? = No

Narcissister Organ Player

Synopsis: Against the backdrop of her provocative and inventive performance, Narcissister reflects on the personal impact of her mother's illness and death.

Will I watch? = No

El Angel

Synopsis: Carlitos is a seventeen-year-old youth with movie star swagger, blond curls and a baby face. As a young boy, he coveted other people's things, but it wasn't until his early adolescence that his true calling--to be a thief--manifested itself. When he meets Ramon at his new school, Carlitos is immediately drawn to him and starts showing off to get his attention. Together they will embark on a journey of discoveries, love and crime. Killing is just a random offshoot of the violence, which continues to escalate until Carlitos is finally apprehended. Because of his angelic appearance, the press dubs Carlitos "The Angel of Death." Showered with attention because of his beauty, he becomes an overnight celebrity. Altogether, he is believed to have committed over forty thefts and eleven homicides. Today, after more than forty-six years in jail, Carlos Robledo Puch is the longest- serving prisoner in the history of Argentina.

Will I watch? = No

River Runs Red

Synopsis: When the son of a successful judge (Taye Diggs) is killed by two police officers (Luke Hemsworth/Gianni Capaldi) and the system sets them free, a hardened veteran detective (John Cusack) finds some incriminating files on the officers and the judge teams up with another mourning father (George Lopez) to take the law into his own hands.

Will I watch? = Maybe

Postcards from London

Synopsis: A stylish, sexy film about a young man's journey into an unusual form of escort work, set in an imaginary vision of London's Soho.

Will I watch? = No

Lez Bomb

Synopsis: A still closeted young woman brings her girlfriend home for Thanksgiving, only to have her coming out efforts thwarted by the unexpected arrival of her male roommate.

Will I watch? = No

RELEASE DATE: November 16, 2018

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Synopsis: The second installment of the "Fantastic Beasts" series set in J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World featuring the adventures of magizoologist Newt Scamander.

Will I watch? = Maybe

Instant Family

Synopsis: A couple find themselves in over their heads when they adopt three children.

Will I watch? = No


Synopsis: Set in contemporary Chicago, amidst a time of turmoil, four women with nothing in common except a debt left behind by their dead husbands' criminal activities, take fate into their own hands, and conspire to forge a future on their own terms.

Will I watch? = Maybe

The Last Race

Synopsis: THE LAST RACE is the portrait of a small-town stock car racetrack and the tribe of blue-collar drivers that call it home, struggling to hold onto an American racing tradition as the world around them is transformed by globalization and commercialization.

Will I watch? = No

At Eternity's Gate

Synopsis: A look at the life of painter Vincent van Gogh during the time he lived in Arles and Auvers-sur-Oise, France.

Will I watch? = No

The World Before Your Feet

Synopsis: For over six years, and for reasons he can't explain, Matt Green, 37, has been walking every block of every street in New York City - a journey of more than 8,000 miles. THE WORLD BEFORE YOUR FEET tells the story of one man's unusual personal quest and the unexpected journey of discovery, humanity, and wonder that ensues.

Will I watch? = No

RELEASE DATE: November 23, 2018

Ralph Breaks the Internet

Synopsis: Six years after the events of "Wreck-It Ralph", Ralph and Vanellope, now friends, discover a wi-fi router in their arcade, leading them into a new adventure.

Will I watch? = Yes

Creed II

Synopsis: Under the tutelage of Rocky Balboa, newly crowned light heavyweight champion Adonis Creed faces off against Viktor Drago, the son of Ivan Drago.

Will I watch? = Yes

Robin Hood

Synopsis: A war-hardened Crusader and his Moorish commander mount an audacious revolt against the corrupt English crown in a thrilling action-adventure packed with gritty battlefield exploits, mind-blowing fight choreography, and a timeless romance.

Will I watch? = Yes

Green Book

Synopsis: A working-class Italian-American bouncer becomes the driver of an African-American classical pianist on a tour of venues through the 1960s American South.

Will I watch? = No

The Favourite

Synopsis: In early 18th century England, a frail Queen Anne (Colman) occupies the throne and her close friend Lady Sarah (Weisz) governs the country in her stead. When a new servant Abigail (Stone) arrives, her charm endears her to Sarah.

Will I watch? = No


Synopsis: A family of small-time crooks take in a child they find on the street.

Will I watch? = Maybe

Becoming Astrid

Synopsis: Biopic of Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, the author of numerous children's books and creator of Pippi Longstocking.

Will I watch? = No

RELEASE DATE: November 30, 2018

If Beale Street Could Talk

Synopsis: A woman in Harlem desperately scrambles to prove her fiancé innocent of a crime while carrying their first child.

Will I watch? = No

Anna and the Apocalypse

Synopsis: A zombie apocalypse threatens the sleepy town of Little Haven - at Christmas - forcing Anna and her friends to fight, slash and sing their way to survival, facing the undead in a desperate race to reach their loved ones. But they soon discover that no one is safe in this new world, and with civilization falling apart around them, the only people they can truly rely on are each other.

Will I watch? = No

The Possession of Hannah Grace

Synopsis: When a cop who is just out of rehab takes the graveyard shift in a city hospital morgue, she faces a series of bizarre, violent events caused by an evil entity in one of the corpses.

Will I watch? = No


Which films make the cut?

6. Shoplifters — I was going to give this spot to Bohemian Rhapsody, but then I checked out the trailer for Shoplifters. Something about that caught me. I'm not sure what, especially since I usually don't bother with foreign language films, but I honestly may go out of my way to watch this.

5. Widows — My original thoughts after seeing this trailer at the movies was "bad ass" and even though I don't think it'll be something that will win any Oscars, I could see it being one of those films where people are surprised at how good it is and a few actors having some buzz about nominations, even if they don't get them.

4. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald — This is a case where I've seen so many other films in the franchise and I enjoyed most of them, so I'm just going to continue watching them until it really annoys me. Fantastic Beasts wasn't anything special to me, so I'm not holding out hope for this to be great. But what the hell, right? Magic's never been my thing but Harry Potter was solid.

3. Ralph Breaks the Internet — I really enjoyed most of Wreck-It Ralph. This doesn't look anywhere near as good, but the trailers could just be doing it a disservice. Can't judge it until I see it, so there's no reason for me not to give it a shot.

2. Robin Hood — I'm probably going to regret this, but I legitimately want to see this movie. I don't even really know why. I can't put my finger on what it is that makes this different from every other adaptation of this and King Arthur and all the other similar things. Maybe it's just Taron Egerton. That guy's so good and I really want his stardom to just blow up.

1. Creed II — As a whole, I enjoy the Rocky series more than each individual film. By that, I mean I can't really ever feel the need to want to put on Rocky III or something, but the overall arc of this franchise is amazing if it were condensed into one movie, so to speak. Creed II capitalizing on bringing Drago back is just the right type of fan service. Give it to me.