Also this beautiful poster was shared with us nerd today too! The first official look at Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. Thoughts?"It was short but got right down to the heart of the matter. Set at night, in pouring rain, it begins on a rooftop with Ben Affleck’s Batman - in souped-up armor much like he wields in Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, including glowing eyes - pulling a tarpaulin off the Batsignal. It shines into the sky, and then - illuminated against the clouds, flecked with lightning, standing inside the symbol, is Henry Cavill’s Superman. And he does not look happy, his eyes glowing red with burgeoning heat vision ray. The camera tracks in on Batman’s face as he grimaces… and cut to black. No dialogue at this point, so there’s no idea of what Affleck sounds like as Batman, or indeed a wider sense of the story, but the message is clear: Clark and Bruce are going to face off, and Bruce has enhanced his Batsuit to compensate for the most powerful man alive."
As always, check back regularly to see what Chris "The Dace Man" Dace is looking at (and no, not just porn), as well as all of the other bloggers here at Fanboys Anonymous. Remember, keyboard warriors: leave your feedback! Until the next time, for the few, the proud, and, of course, the Dacetacular, grab a beer—and in this case your Comic Con Badge—and check out what's going on here in the Dace-Sphere. See ya next time!
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